Saturday, 7 March 2009

Making tomatoes move

Today I did some more animating in After Effects. I worked out a few things that I was uncertain about before but I think I'm on the right track.

What I did mainly was sort out some of the facial movement on the big tomato. I'm establishing shorter and faster movements than I was using before. It's trial-and-error animating, but I'm pretty inexperienced so this is probably the best way to do it.

I'm pleased that I'm making quick, intuitive decisions on what to draw and how to animate it and the results work as well or better than I expected them to.

Something else I'm experiencing is that when I am mid-way through a shot I think of other things I could animate and ways of doing them. I wish I had time to fit that in, but I'm just gonna have to write those ideas down and come back to them at a later date.