Saturday, 17 April 2010

Zombie o' clock!

"Ahhhhrrahhcchhh!!! Nnnaaang!"
- That's what he'll be screaming as he runs towards you.

This was actually a very cute, cartoony zombie back when I started it. I didn't do a great job with the form and colours of it at first so it was left in my pile of unfinished pics until now. Decided to go to town on the putrid ,stringy flesh and stretched skin and tendons.

I've been told I need more BLOOD. Yes. Yes I do.

New blog layout!

I've gone into the guts of the html and sorted out a few width and general aesthetic issues (didn't realise you could do that with Blogger!) Wordpress makes you pay to tinker with the code which is a massive saucepan of wank.